Key Nutrients For Menopause Women
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After menopause, chances of women in developing health problems such as heart disease and stroke increase. Once you’re in menopause, you’d have less estrogen which potentially can increase a risk for heart disease. To protect you from heart disease and other health issues, here are five nutrients you need.
Vitamin D
Not getting enough vitamin can lead you to brittle bones, or even worse, osteoporosis. Study found that taking high amount of vitamin daily could reduce the risk of hip fractures in older women by 30 percent. Vitamin D also helps the body absorb calcium, which helps keep aging bones strong.
It’s true that the older you get, the more calcium you need. Calcium is very useful for women with menopause because as you age, the ability to make new bone cells decreases. That’s why you need to take 600 milligram calcium supplements twice a day to enhance the ability to make new bone cell.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids could lower your risk in developing heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fat. This healthy fat may also help slow down the growth of plaque buildup in the arteries and lower blood pressure.
Vitamin B12
Postmenopausal women who lack certain nutrients in their diets, including vitamin B12, have an increased risk of becoming anemic. Women who don’t get enough of B12 can experience fatigue, weight loss, poor memory, dementia and depression. The recommended daily amount of B12 is 2.4 micrograms daily for adults, and the vitamin can be found in foods such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and fortified breakfast cereals.
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)
Folic acid is also necessary for older women. It is cardio-protective, so it helps build new tissue. Folic acid, or folate, is a B-complex vitamin the body needs to create red blood cells. Signs of low folic acid levels include anemia, weight loss, weakness, headaches and high levels of homocysteine in the blood, a risk factor for heart disease.
Consume these nutrients to avoid future health problems. For women who are going through menopause, you may consider taking St. Herb Breast Capsules as it contains Pueraria Mirifica extract which is rich in estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens. These compounds formulated with various natural herbal extracts will increase estrogens as well as promote nutritional support in female body.
Credit: Live Science
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