Breasts and Pregnancy; Will They be the same afterwards?

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Understanding the Changes and How to Deal with Them

During pregnancy, your breasts undergo a series of changes – This is nothing to be alarmed by. It is simply mother nature’s way of preparing you for the birth of your child and allowing you to develop enough milk to feed your wonderful baby. Understanding these changes and learning about how you can live with them is extremely important, and will help you cope with this challenging time, and give the best breastfeeding experience to your newborn. 

How to Deal with Sore Nipples from Nursing

Sore nipples may be a result of a poor latch, or simply that your child is being a little rough, or maybe you are overfeeding and your nipples are simply not coping with the relentless use. There are many creams and ointments available that will greatly help to reduce the soreness of your nipples and to keep them smooth and stop cracking. If the problem persists after using cream, then consider seeing a lactation consultant who can help to improve your baby’s latch. 

How to Deal with Aching Breasts During Breastfeeding

If your breasts are aching a great deal after your pregnancy, you more than likely have an excess of milk that needs to be released. During this time your breasts will continually produce milk due to the increase in hormones -You must not let this milk build up otherwise you will experience aches. If nursing is not providing a sufficient release, consider pumping your milk or putting ice packs on your breasts to relieve the sore feeling. 

What Does a Hard, Painful Red Spot on my Breast Mean?

This will in most cases mean you simply have a blocked milk duct, or you have a small yeast infection. Babies (No matter how beautiful and clean they are!) attract bacteria – And their mouths are full of them! Couple this together with the tiny breaks in the skin of your breasts and you can soon end up with a place for that bacteria to develop. If you notice a hard, red spot anywhere on your breast, it is advisable to go to the doctors – They can prescribe antibiotics to help clear any infection. Also, ensure you keep a regular flow of milk from your breasts to keep your ducts from becoming blocked. 

Is There any Kind of bra That I Should Avoid Wearing?

Surely the kind of bra you wear doesn’t matter? Well, it can make a difference! As the milk ducts in your breasts extend to your rib cage, the type of bra you wear is quite important. Ensure you stay away from bras with an underwire – The metal wire can dig into your rib cage and chest and affect how you breastfeed due to the pressure being applied on your milk ducts. 

How to Deal with Sagging Breasts

There are many influencing factors that can affect how your breasts “sag” – Weight, heredity and initial size before pregnancy to name a few. To help control sag and to ensure your breasts stay as perky as possible, ensure you try to control your weight gain and make sure of a supportive bra. Aside from this, there is not much else you can do – It is a natural process for women to go through. But you can also deal with it by applying some breast firming products such as St. Herb Breast Serum that aims to provide elasticity and tighten up your breasts.

Why Do my Breasts Appear Asymmetrical?

Many women will have one breast that is slightly larger or smaller than the other – This is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of! During your pregnancy, you may notice that the disparity in your breast sizes appears larger – This is due to those wonderful hormones again! A smaller breast will be less receptive to hormones, and a larger breast will be more so; therefore, if you have asymmetrical breasts to start with, the difference may be pronounced. 

How to Avoid Stretch Marks on Your Breasts

Despite popular opinion, stretch marks are generally a hereditary trait and there are instances where you simply might not be able to avoid getting them no matter what you do. Stretch marks are created when your skin (particularly the elastin and collagen) stretches beyond the point of being able to snap back. To help soften the appearance of stretch marks, there are breast cares available such as the St. Herb Breast Mask that helps maintain your skin’s smooth texture. It is advisable to stay away from expensive laser treatments – they are not proven to be overly effective. 

Is There any Reason my Nipples Have Become Dark and Bumpy?

Yes, during pregnancy, your nipples react to the increased level of hormones and will often change in appearance. If your nipples appear darker, this may be due to the stimulation of pigment-producing cells – This is more pronounced if you have a darker skin tone. If the bumps on your nipples (Montgomery’s glands) appear more pronounced, this again is due to hormones and is a natural occurrence. Don’t worry though, the appearance of your nipples will return to normal several months after giving birth. 

How to Cope with Increased Breast Size

As many women know already, your breast size will undoubtedly increase during and after your pregnancy. Unfortunately, there is not a great deal you can do to combat this – It is a natural process. The only way you can limit this is to stop any additional weight gain that may occur due to your increased appetite etc. Consider your bra support. 

While these changes may seem quite alarming and daunting at first, you should embrace them as part of the motherhood process and remember that most of the changes are temporary and your breasts will look just as good as before in no time at all!

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