Are Breast Cysts Dangerous and Cancerous?
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What are breast cysts?
It is a sac filled with fluid in a woman’s breast. A breast may develop one or numerous cysts. They are usually oval or round lumps with edges that are distinct. The texture of breast cyst feels like a balloon filled with water or a soft grape. Sometimes the cyst feels solid.
Breast cysts may be painful and cause distress but are usually benign. Benign refers to a condition, growth, or tumor that isn’t cancerous. Breast cysts normally become detectable as lump within the breast are discovered by luck during an x-ray of the breast.
They are often found in women who are in their thirty’s or forty’s. Usually, they will go away after women experience menopause. They may reappear or persist when one uses hormone therapy. They may also affect young women who are going through adolescence.
Treating the breast cysts isn’t necessary except when they are causing discomfort, or they are painful. Usually, the discomfort caused may be relieved by draining the cyst’s fluid. Some women may experience pain in the breast, especially when engaging in physical activity that is vigorous. A properly fitted sports bra, which encapsulates breast tissue or compresses breast is meant to reduce pain caused when exercise.
The breast cysts may form because of milk glands growth, and cysts size can range from larger size to smaller size. During an examination, large cysts might feel like lumps, and small cysts can’t be felt. Most breast cysts, despite their size, can’t be identified when doing a physical examination.
Breast cysts symptoms include:
1. A soft, easy to move oval or round lump with edges that are distinct
2. Discharge from the nipple that can be straw colored, clear, dark brown or yellow
3. Breast tenderness or pain in the lump area
4. Increased tenderness in breast and breast lump size just when one is about to get her period
5. The size of the breast lump decreases and a resolution of different symptoms after one’s menstrual
Breast cysts will not increase your breast cancer risk. But developing cysts can make it harder to detect breast lump that is new or some other changes that may require your doctor’s evaluation. Know your breasts so that you will notice when there’s a change in them.
Experts don’t know the causes of breast cysts. They may develop because of hormonal changes from the monthly period. Some evidence says that the excess estrogen in a woman’s body can stimulate the tissue of the breast and contribute to breast cysts.
Specialists say that one can prevent breast cyst development to some extent. The measures recommended requiring a person to avoid the cysts formation include eating a diet that’s balanced, avoiding stress, taking required supplements and vitamins, doing exercise, practicing good health and avoiding certain medications.
Although the consumption of caffeine doesn’t have a connection that is scientifically proven with the development of cyst, women say that their signs and symptoms are reduced when they avoid it. Other doctors recommend decreasing the caffeine amount in your diet for both foods and beverages.
Also decreasing the intake of salt can help in relieving the signs and symptoms of breast cysts. Excessive consumption of sugar and food allergies that are undetected, such as lactose or gluten, may contribute to the development of breast cyst.
A cool or warm compress can provide relief when the cysts are painful. Also, one can apply a pack of ice to relieve the pain.
It is estimated that 7 percent of western women develop palpable breast cysts. In males, breast cysts occurrence is rare and may be a sign of malignancy.