Classic Ways to Age Gracefully
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What does it mean to age gracefully? It means that as you get older, you should live your best life, being able to enjoy the physical and mental health you have. Just like a bottle of wine, you can get better with age, but only with the right care. Here are some useful tips to help you age gracefully from the inside out.
Be Kind to Your Skin
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. If you treat it with care, it can better protect your body from the elements, regulate your body temperature, and provide sensation. To keep it looking and functioning at its best, wear sunscreen and protective clothing when outside, stick to gentle products in your anti-aging skin care routine and most importantly stay hydrated.
Regular exercise significantly lowers your risk of diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, and helps you retain your mobility longer. Exercise also lowers stress and improves sleep, skin and bone health, and mood. Older adults should also focus on activities that include balance training in addition to aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises.
Mind Your Diet
Healthy foods are the way to go when it comes to aging gracefully. The recommendation for healthy foods is fruits, lean protein and at least three ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, rice, or pasta every day.
Mental Health Matters
Being happy and keeping your stress down goes a long way in helping you live and age well. To keep your mood elevated, spend time with friends and loved ones, accept your age and take the time to engage in activities you enjoy, fueling yourself with happiness.
See a doctor regularly
Seeing a doctor regularly can help the doctor find problems early or even before they start. How often you see a doctor depends on your age, lifestyle, family history, and existing conditions. Ask your doctor how often you should go in for checkups and screening tests as you age.
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Credit: Health Line
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