Five Things that Your Breasts Say About Your Health
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Breasts are very good indicators and communicators of what is happening inside woman’s body, it is therefore important for a woman to use the sign given by her breasts and this way she will be able to seek medical care in case she suspects something unusual. In this article, we shall discuss what your breasts say about your health.
Shrinking Size
When your breast shrinks it means the level of estrogen in your body is falling or you have generally lost weight. The reason why the level of estrogen in your body may fall is because of impending menopause or when you go off the pill. In case your breasts are shrinking and none of the two reasons apply, it is recommendable you go for a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome test especially if you notice you have acne, facial hair or hair loss.
About half of the women have breasts that are dense which implies that their breasts have more glandular and fibrous tissues. Cancer and dense breasts tissues appear as white on the x-ray and that is the reason why it is difficult to come up with an accurate number of tumors on mammograms. Women with dense breasts are said to have a higher risk of getting breast cancer and that’s why twenty-two states in the United States have come up with a law that requires the physicians to let you know as a woman whether you have dense breasts or not. For those women with extremely dense breasts, it is recommendable for them to undertake further testing via ultrasound or MRI.
Aches and Pains
Breast pain can be as a result of a long list of reason, however, in case you experience bilateral breast pain, chances are you have too much caffeine or you have a hormonal imbalance. The other reasons that might cause breast pain include high impact exercise, mild trauma to the chest walls, ill fitting bra, and PMS changes. Deficiency of things such as iron can also cause breast pain since iron plays a major role in regulating the thyroid hormones. A research conducted in 2004 showed that about 50% of the women that had breast pain reduced the pain after adding 6mg of iodine. The reason why the pain reduced is because iodine boosts the overall function of the thyroid. Experiencing pain in one breast should be alarming since it is at times a sign of breast cancer. Most people think that breast cancer does not hurt but that’s not the case.
Nipple Discharge
It is normal for a woman to have a nipple discharge especially after her having a sexual stimulation. However, it can also be an indicator of a problem, for instance in case the discharge is happening on both nipples which means that a woman has some hormonal problems like prolactin which is usually caused by past medication such as SSRI antidepressants or even pills. Nipple discharge can also be a sign of duct ectasia, underactive thyroid or pituitary tumor. However, on a good note, nipple discharge can also mean you are pregnant. Remember your breasts can continue releasing milky discharge for two years after you have stopped breast feeding.
Shifting Shape
Your DNA plays a major role in programming the shape of your breasts, however, over time it will morph. Your history of breastfeeding, child bearing and age play a major role in determining the appearance and shape of your breasts. The connective tissues tend to break down while the ligaments stretch as women age which results to their breasts forming a teardrop shape. Exercises such as chest presses and pushups can be very helpful when it comes to building up pectoral muscles. Pectoral muscles are very crucial since they help firm the chest which in return promotes the perkier breasts.FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus