Tips For Getting the Best Sun Tan
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Many women enjoy having darker skin complexion or mostly called tanned skin because sun-kissed glow skin can offer a healthier look, making your curves and muscles more noticeable. That’s why sun bathing is getting popular each day. However, there are things that you need to be careful when it comes to sunbathing, ‘a sun damage’ that causes premature aging and skin cancer. To prevent you from these conditions, follow these tips below.
Don’t Do Sunbeds
Some salon often claims that they can give you a healthy tan with a sunbed. That’s a lie because “It’s the wrong UV – tanning beds pump out huge amounts of UVA and virtually no UVB (which stimulates vitamin D), and can increase your risk of skin cancer by 75%” says Dr. Nick Lowe of The Cranley Clinic in London.
Use the right sunscreen to protect your skin from sun exposure. Look for the one that provides broad-spectrum protection against UVA & UVB rays. We recommend St. Herb Sunscreen Nano Complex SPF50 PA+++ that offers excellent protection from significant sun damage which is easily absorbed, non-greasy and does not leave waxy film on your facial skin.
Understanding Tanning Time
Your skin reaches a tanning cut-off point when it physically can’t produce any more melanin, the tanning pigment, so it’s pointless to lounge by the pool all day. “Everyone has their own melanin cut-off, typically two to three hours or much less if you have fair skin” says Dr Lowe. “After this you’re just subjecting your skin to the risk of UV damage.”
“Taking breaks from the sun will reduce UV intensity and your sunburn risk and means your tan will be healthier and longer-lasting” says Dr. Frank Schwanke, Head of Suncare R&D for Beiersdorf.
Sun-Friendly Food
Certain foods are known to increase lycopene, the skin’s own SPF. An antioxidant found in tomatoes, and other red and orange fruit and veg can boost your sun protection by a whopping 33%. One of the best sources is tomato paste.
Credit: Cosmopolitan
#PuerariaMirifica #SunProtection #TannedSkin #SunBathing #StHerbCosmetics