Ways to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

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August 14, 2017

It is every woman’s responsibility to make sure that her breasts stay healthy no matter her age and this way a woman is able to tell which changes are normal and which are not. Because of the above reason in this article, we shall look at ways to make sure you as a woman keep your breasts healthy.


Exercising helps reduce the fat in the body. According to Science, fat cells usually produce estrogen in high quantities which is risky since some cancers have been linked to estrogen hormone. Exercising makes the fat cells to shrink which result to them producing a low level of estrogen. It is recommendable to have a moderate-intensity exercise for one fifty minutes every week. For those women with a tight schedule, they can have a high-intensity exercise for seventy-five minutes every week.

Indulge in some Chocolate

Research has shown that the dark chocolate contains some compound which helps fight fast-growing cancer. According to Richard Pestell who is the Kimmel Cancer Center Director, the compound in the dark chocolate combines with the enzymes, which result in cancerous cells dying.

Drink Less Alcohol

More than 53 studies have shown that women who usually take three drinks every day have 1.5 more chances of developing breast cancer compared to women who do not take alcohol. It is recommendable for a woman to have one or less than one drink a day .i.e. five ounces of wine, one and a half ounces of hard drink or twelves ounces of beer.

Get Enough Folic Acid

For you to give your body folic acid you can eat the folate which is a form of folic acid that occurs naturally. When your body lacks enough folic acid, it results in the body suffering from impaired ability to repair DNA. A woman with damaged DNA is more likely to suffer from cancer. Food such as black-eyed peas, grains, folic-fortified cereals, and spinach are known to contain folate. It is recommendable to take around four hundred micrograms of folate daily.

Get a Good Sleep

Good sleep helps you avoid exposing your breasts to much light at night. Light is known to suppress the level of melatonin. It is dangerous when the level of melatonin is suppressed since melatonin plays a role in regulating the level of estrogen. It is advisable for a woman to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

Eat more Vegetables and Fruits

Eating vegetables and fruits is one way to effectively curb cancer. Research conducted recently shows that veggies and fruits help prevent cancer by lowering the chances of your body producing estrogen receptors which are known to cause negative breast tumors. Fruits and veggies have carotenoids which act as antioxidants and that’s why they are so effective. According to USDA, half of your plate should be vegetables and fruits.

Massage Your Breasts

The muscles and veins in your breasts are just like other muscles in the other parts of the body and they tend to strain especially when you are not in a comfortable position. For this reason, it is recommendable to massage your breasts which help the blood to circulate freely hence the normal function of the breasts. It also helps relieve or cure any pain that you may be feeling.

Never Ignore any Pain

In case you feel some pain or any sort of discomfort that continues to persist for some time, please do not ignore it. Make sure to see your doctor so as to determine the problem. One thing for a fact, the earlier you discover any illness the easier it will be for you to fight it. As I conclude, always take care of your breasts since they will play a major role in the health of your future or current baby.

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