5 Habits to Help You Have Healthy Breasts

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Proper habits can help you have healthy young-looking breasts in many ways. When you think of healthy young breasts do you think of tight skin, a beautiful shape, and a breast that is healthy on the inside and out? Healthy, young breasts are about more than just the appearance. We want to address the ways that habits can impact your breast health on many levels. Here are five ways how habits impact breast health.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

One aspect of keeping breasts healthy and young is cancer prevention. Studies have linked obesity to breast cancer. A great way to prevent obesity and therefor stay cancer-free is to get in the habit of physical exercise. Getting your body moving through a mix of cardiovascular exercise and weight training can keep your body weight in a healthy weight range, and therefor in help your breast tissue stay healthy!

2. Improve Body Confidence

The mind body connection has been proven scientifically. The thoughts that run through our heads and our emotional states create chemicals in the body. These chemicals can have health ramifications, such as the way elevated cortisol (a chemical associated with the stress response) levels over a long period of time have been linked to chronic illness such as heart disease and cancer. Likewise, the way you feel about your body and the thoughts that you have about yourself affect your body’s chemistry. When you exercise, you can improve your sense of self confidence and self worth. This leads to a healthier state for your body, including your breasts!

3. Stronger Pectoral Muscles Help Your Body Support Breasts

Each breast is comprised of specialized tissue and glands that sit on top of a muscular foundation. The foundation is called a “pectoral muscle”. This is the muscle on your chest wall on each half of your upper torso that the breast is attached to. When you do weight training that involves your pectoral muscles, you can strengthen these muscles so that they create a stronger foundation for your breasts. This helps your body support the breast tissue that you are carrying with you!

4. Cut Down On Body Fat

Regular physical exercise can help you have healthy breast structure because it can maintain the elasticity of your skin. Instead of gaining weight and then using a crash diet to lose it, regular exercise will keep your skin cells in a cohesive layer close to your muscles and fat. The stretches that occur with yoyo dieting can cause skin that appears loose and baggy. Maintain your weight with regular exercise, and your skin will stay smoother and tighter. However, if you find that you have gone through a diet and lost a lot of weight quickly, do not be discouraged. Our bodies grow new cells all of the time, and your skin will adapt to your new shape with time!

5. Perform a Better Posture

Healthy, young looking breasts are also tied to posture and the way a female body is aligned. When aging occurs, often the spine can begin to bend inwards in a “C” shape known as kyphosis. When you exercise and form a strong core and back muscles, you can keep your posture straight. This leads to the appearance of fuller, healthier breasts that maintain their young, perky qualities.

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes! It is a wonderful thing to accept and love your body the way it is. Show yourself some love and take care of your body and your breasts through these habits that will help you stay healthy and have beautiful breasts!

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