Foods For Better Sex
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Consuming unhealthy food can do more than wrecking your health because it also kills your sex capability that causes erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can occur to any men, especially among older men. However, it’s preventable only if you know how to eat right. These are some foods to get a boost below the belt.
Your morning coffee may improve your sex life. This is due to the fact that drinking coffee helps the arteries in your penis relax and blood flow to increase, producing an effect similar to ED drugs like Viagra.
Salmon, Egg Yolks, and Fortified Milk
Your penis needs vitamin D, and these foods are great sources of it. Study found that free testosterone levels—the powerhouse behind your sex drive—significantly increased in men loading up with vitamin D.
Pistachios, Almonds, and Walnuts
Pistachios contain a high amount of an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide in your body. And like almonds, walnuts, and most other nuts, they’re a great source of healthy fats, which are good for your heart and therefore your penis.
Blueberries and Oranges
These two foods are packed with certain flavonoids—anthocyanins, flavanones, and flavones that help improve the health of your blood vessels by relaxing your arteries.
Legumes, Whole Grains, and Olive Oil
The Mediterranean diet can help you drop a few pounds, and a healthy body weight is linked to stronger erections. That’s because extra weight can harm your vascular function, which interrupts blood flow to your penis. It’s particularly great at reducing belly fat, which raises your risk of heart disease.
Another recommendation from us today to prevent you from erectile dysfunction is St. Herb Butea Gel. Enriched in Butea Superba extract and other phytochemicals from natural herbs, the gel brings back male confidence and pleasure by stimulating the vasodilating effects in the genital area, providing you strong and prolonged erections.
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Credit: Men Health
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