How To Stop Junk-Food Craving
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Do you struggle with junk food craving? Everybody experiences junk food craving once in their lives and it definitely isn’t the best experience, especially for people who wish to lose weight. No wonder that eating junk food can sabotage your weight loss effort, but there are ways to help you control it. Here are some clever tips to stop you from junk food craving.
Deal with Your Trigger Foods
It’s much easier to give in to temptation when the food you crave is within easy reach. So, don’t keep unhealthy foods you tend to crave in your kitchen or at your desk at work or wherever you are.
Don’t Skip Meals
Having a tummy that’s not growling makes it easier to ward off your cravings, so don’t skip your regular meals. Start with a healthy breakfast and follow up with a nutritious lunch and dinner. And it’s okay to include some snacks as long as they’re good for you.
Drink Water or a Low-Cal Beverage
Drinking a tall glass of water might serve as a distraction or it might solve your craving without adding any calories. If plain water sounds boring, add a slice or two of lemon, lime or cucumber. Or sip on iced tea (without the added sugar).
Brush Your Teeth
Flossing and brushing might just be a distraction, but having a clean mouth and fresh breath might be enough to make you not want to indulge in something sugary or greasy. If you’re not at home, using breath mints might just do the trick.
Chew Gum or Hard Candy
A stick of gum or a piece of hard candy doesn’t have many calories, and the flavor might be all that you need to get past your sweet craving. If you crave for junk food, just keep yourself busy. Do anything to distract yourself from that craving. Also, take St. Herb Breast Capsules twice a day to maintain nutritional support to your body. The capsules contain Pueraria Mirifica Extract which is rich in estrogen-like compounds called phytoestrogens, bringing about the increase and balance of hormonal levels for healthier body.
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Credit: Very Well Fit
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