Natural Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
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Premature ejaculation is one of most common health concerns for men. Premature ejaculation happens when a man climaxes before he or his partner would have wanted during sex. Some men with premature ejaculation may avoid sex as a result. But there are natural treatments that can help.
Ayurvedic Herbal Medicine
It relies on thousands of herbs to treat everything from diabetes to inflammation. Certain Ayurvedic medicines, such as kaunch beej, kamini vidrawan ras, and yauvanamrit vati, are thought to treat premature ejaculation when taken in capsule form twice daily with lukewarm water. Ayurvedic medicine has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
A weekly or daily dose of Chinese herbal medicine — in particular, Yimusake tablets or Qilin pills — may treat premature ejaculation by boosting sexual stamina and improving energy. That same Sexual Medicine study found that different types of Chinese herbal medicine can increase ejaculation time by about two minutes.
Lidocaine Spray
Lidocaine spray can help treat premature ejaculation by desensitizing the penis and decreasing hypersensitivity. Use the spray 10 to 15 minutes before sex in order for it to work best. Known potential side effects include lowered libido and temporary sensitivity loss.
Zinc Supplements
Zinc not only supports healthy immunity and cell growth, the essential mineral also helps produce testosterone as well as boost your libido and energy. A 2009 study conducted on rats showed that zinc supplements can increase testosterone, which may improve sexual problems, such as premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is a completely normal and common type of sexual complaint that men have to encounter at some point in their lives.
That’s why you need St. Herb Conmax Men Serum. This serum is easy to use and doesn’t require many processes. It is serum, made with all-natural herbal extracts for nourishing and recovering specific male skin. It helps promote strong and full erections for extreme sexual performance and controls male ejaculation for longer and happier sexual intercourse. Just use twice daily, in the morning and evening.
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Credit: Health Line
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