Potential Causes of Penis Pain
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When it comes to a penis subject, things could get a little complicated. There might be a time when you feel the pain seizing between your legs, but you probably have no idea what’s going on down there. Luckily, we have brought you common types of penis pain and their potential causes.
Pain at The Tip of Penis
If you’re lucky, this could just be the result of a little soap or shampoo slipping inside the opening at the end of your penis. If the pain doesn’t go away after a day or two, it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI), especially if it’s accompanied by a green-ish or white-ish discharge.
Pain at The Scrotum
Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within your scrotum that heats up your testicles and causes tenderness or a dull pain. Blood collecting due to the scrotal veins enlarging can hurt your ability to produce sperm and testosterone. If you have this condition, you need to see doctor.
A Burn During Urination
The worst-case scenario is that you’re dealing with bladder cancer. Pain during urination and blood in the urine can cause a rusty discoloration. A more common cause, however, is a urinary tract infection (UTI), which happens when bacteria finds its way into your urethra. Another possibility is that you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like gonorrhea.
Pain Penis Curve
While many men are born with a slight curvature or bend in their penis, a more extreme curvature is seen in men with Peyronie’s disease, and it usually appears in middle age. It’s caused by fibrotic scar, or plaque, that has formed within the penis, creating the bend. The exact cause of Peyronie’s disease isn’t entirely clear, but some researchers believe the plaque can form after an erect penis has been abnormally hit or bent during sex or athletic activity.
If the pain is persistent, it’s better to seek help from doctors. However, for daily penis care, we recommend St. Herb Butea Gel as it contains flavonoids and flavonoids glycosides from Butea Superba extract and many other phytochemicals from plentiful natural herbal extracts to help maintain your genital area health.
Credit: Men Health
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