What Makes Man a Man?
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What Makes a Man a “Real Man”? Is it the physical appearance, duty or diligence?
Today, the answers are no longer as clear as they once were. But, one thing for sure is how good they are in bed.
Guys, a few simple techniques and the right attitude will get you most of the way to that goal. Let’s see how.
Mastering Foreplay
When it comes to foreplay, the key “triggers” for people can seem very different.
For example, if you ask your partner if he wants to have sex and he quickly says no,
you could be asking the right question with the wrong words or body language.
Presence, Eye Contact, and Attentiveness
Presence means responding and calibrating to what your partner needs moment to moment.
It means, instead of burying your face over her shoulder during missionary, you pull back and share ample eye contact.
It means paying attention to the person in bed with you.
Tune Up Your Sex Muscles
Technically there are no “sex specific” muscles per se, but certain areas tend to get used a lot during sexual play.
Things like your forearms, pelvic floor muscles, lower back and abs all get used significantly during sex and it’s good to have your body parts in working order.
Give Kegel a try, this exercise is a great way to start to get a relationship to your PC muscle and to give it a tune up.
These tips are just a tip of the ice berg, but do give it a try. Be a better man for your woman today.
And for more pleasure sex life and stronger erection, St. Herb Conmax Men Serum is highly recommended.

St. Herb Conmax Men Serum lets male experience the perfect masculinity with pleasurable sexual prowess as
it is a variety of rejuvenating herbal extracts, especially for Butea Superba extract that is full of beneficial phytochemicals, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides,
which are rich in phytotestosterones to enhance complete male characteristics.
See more at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-conmax-men-serum.html
Credit: HealthLine
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