What You Need To Know About Yeast Infection
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While yeast infections are usually associated with women, they frequently occur to men too. Here is what you need to know about yeast infections.
A yeast infection of the penis is called candidal (or candida) balanitis, or balanitis thrush. Unlike with vaginal yeast infections, penile yeast infections are usually sexually acquired — when a man has sex with someone who has a yeast infection. But candidal balanitis isn’t considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) because men can get the infection without having sex.
Several risk factors increase a man’s risk of getting a penile yeast infection, including Antibiotics, Immune-suppressing illnesses, particularly HIV, Diabetes mellitus or as known as diabetes, and Corticosteroids.
Common symptoms of candidal balanitis include:
– Burning and itching around the head of the penis, which worsens after having sex
Redness and swelling
– Small, rash-like bumps called papules, which may have pus
– Pain during urination or sex
If you have candidal balanoposthitis, you may also have:
– A thick, lumpy discharge under the foreskin
– An unpleasant odor of the foreskin
– Difficulty pulling back your foreskin
If you experience these conditions, make sure to see the doctor as the condition might get worse. However, for daily care, we recommend St. Herb Butea Gel as it promotes smooth skin and great care to the male-specific area.
For more information, please visit our website at https://stherb.com/product/men-series/stherb-butea-gel.html
Credit: Everyday Health
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